Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Top 40 Videos at Hot Videoz on 2008-11-05

Number 1 Video: Jack and Rose - Titanic - Awake
I really put a lot of effort into this one. The song is beautiful itself, but the lyrics also match the movie pretty well. Hope you guys like it.

14 Vote(s)

Number 2 Video: A Guy Get Hit by a 2 by 4
the title say it all

9 Vote(s)

Number 3 Video: Psaume 18 B
La courte lecture d'un psaume illustrée par des images des merveilles de la création qui poussent à la contemplation.Author: KTOTVTags: Prière Psaume

12 Vote(s)

Number 4 Video: Accident de la route http://www.accrovideo.comAuthor: AccrovidTags: accident voiture crash Posted: 05 November 2008Rat

13 Vote(s)

Number 5 Video: (33)
Author: AmendoCHTags: lehna et son fromage Posted: 05 November 2008Rating: 0.0Votes: 0

10 Vote(s)

Number 6 Video: Psaume 23
La courte lecture d'un psaume illustrée par des images des merveilles de la création qui poussent à la contemplation.Author: KTOTVTags: Prière Psaume

6 Vote(s)

Number 7 Video: Emory University et Cartooning for Peace
A l'occasion de la Présidence française du Conseil de l'Union européenne, Coordination SUD en partenariat avec CONCORD, la confédération européenne d

16 Vote(s)

Number 8 Video: The Killer Bean 1 - The Interrogation funny 3D animation - Freeware software (screensaver, network port scanner, tutorials and many more coming soon), stock photos and videos, t-sh

5 Vote(s)

Number 9 Video: Psaume 33
La courte lecture d'un psaume illustrée par des images des merveilles de la création qui poussent à la contemplation.Author: KTOTVTags: Prière Psaume

14 Vote(s)

Number 10 Video: VOSTF - 05 novembre, 06 heures : Obama proclame sa victoire
Une heure après son intronisation par les médias américains, une demi-heure après que son adversaire John McCain a reconnu sa défaite, Barack Obama e

19 Vote(s)

Number 11 Video: The Killer Bean 2 - The Party funny animation - Freeware software (screensaver, network port scanner, tutorials and many more coming soon), stock photos and videos, t-sh

11 Vote(s)

Number 12 Video: Psaume 80
La courte lecture d'un psaume illustrée par des images des merveilles de la création qui poussent à la contemplation.Author: KTOTVTags: Prière Psaume

20 Vote(s)

Number 13 Video: 4th Nov 2008-48
Night of 4th Nov 2008, history is being made in USA Author: 4november08 Keywords: 4th No

11 Vote(s)

Number 14 Video: Custom Wii Skins
Custom skins for your Nintendo Wii or other device including PS3, PSP, Laptop or iPod Author: procr

9 Vote(s)

Number 15 Video: iaia 3a
La iaia 3a dient: "Al pa, pa; el vi, vi; i l'aigua clara" Author: joanoo1971 Keywords: b

11 Vote(s)

Number 16 Video: USAMV Cluj-Napoca
A slide show about the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Europe

18 Vote(s)

Number 17 Video: myanmar funny VCD songs
dar pot dar pot Author: cherrycherry9320032 Keywords: world music Added: Novem

5 Vote(s)

Number 18 Video: Upward Bound Talent Show - Like Poetry
This in nancy and Roxy singing acapella to a song... not sure what it's called... Author: Purpl3Kom

13 Vote(s)

Number 19 Video: ç"œèœœèœœ798
æˆ'的尝试性的短片 Author: SONY798 Keywords: ç"œèœœèœœ 表æ¼"艺术 Added: November 5, 2008

9 Vote(s)

Number 20 Video: Solina - WIELKA FALA NADCHODZI
Wypad nad soline Author: ledluk Keywords: animacja Added: November 5, 2008

9 Vote(s)

Number 21 Video: Inmormantarea Ioanichie Balan 2
partea 8 Author: allllexandru Keywords: none Added: November 5, 2008

18 Vote(s)

Number 22 Video: Dex Turning Into Jayd
Upon viewing this footage from Halloween 2008, I realized I may be turning into my older brother Jayd.

7 Vote(s)

Number 23 Video: Open To Suggestion (Part 1 of 6)
our set Author: KaitlynMaster Keywords: hypnosis Added: November 5, 2008

19 Vote(s)

Number 24 Video: Chick Trips - Napa Balloon Adventure
Join our Chick Trips girlfriends as they hop on a hot air balloon over the Napa Valley. It's great fun, even for Monica, who is afraid of heights.

19 Vote(s)

Number 25 Video: Frank Shamrock MMA Tutorials: Tosses 101 Shamrock talks tosses with Yardbarker Dewey Hammo

11 Vote(s)

Number 26 Video: Snake Nearly Swallows Whole Kangaroo
Nature can be amazing, and it can be disgusting. When this snake tries to eat a roadkill kangaroo, it is both at the same

10 Vote(s)

Number 27 Video: Guiness Book of World Record
it's a kid.. Amazind Kid Cant Believe It

19 Vote(s)

Number 28 Video: Imitating Her Father
When Kids sleep with their parents in the same room!!

16 Vote(s)

Number 29 Video: The *Integration/Learning* Phase of Network Marketing Stage 1 is the HONEYMOON. In Stage 2, the people left are the entrepreneurs. They seek the knowledge they need to

19 Vote(s)

Number 30 Video: baby school
Author: thietouTags: enfant anglais ecole Posted: 05 November 2008Rating: 0.0Votes: 0

10 Vote(s)

Number 31 Video: DENTICE by GRAVITY ZERO Diving TEAM
DENTICE by GRAVITY ZERO Diving TEAMAuthor: gigiogzTags: gravity zero fabrizio pirrello scuba immersione subacquea videosub fotosub scilla Posted: 05

15 Vote(s)

Number 32 Video: DBSK - Love In The Ice - Kim Jung Euns Chocolate -
Love in the Ice in Chocolate, makes everything so much sweeter XDAuthor: sunshinerainTags: Korean DBSK TVXQ Tohoshinki U Know Hero Max Xiah Micky Pos

10 Vote(s)

Number 33 Video: Occasion Nissan Terrano TOULOUSE
Occasion Cliquez sur ce lien pour en savoir plus sur cette voitur

14 Vote(s)

Number 34 Video: acne care care products that are gentle There are blue-red light systems that treat acne just like sunbathing on a beach. Acne can be em

14 Vote(s)

Number 35 Video: Le tueur de sac
cet enfant est très fâché contre son cartable !Author: meninglinTags: sac enfant Posted: 05 November 2008Rating: 0.0Votes: 0

5 Vote(s)

Number 36 Video: {m2o}team* Strat 1 terro GA
strat ga pour terro. Author: m2oteamTags: m2oteam strat 1 terro ga Posted: 05 November 2008Rating: 0.0Votes: 0

17 Vote(s)

Number 37 Video: J.C canular n°1
canular de l'un de mes potes qui dort. je le réveille avc la musike a fondAuthor: dje06studioTags: baston canular camera cache Posted: 05 November 20

17 Vote(s)

Number 38 Video: Watch Out Ninja funny animation - Freeware software (screensaver, network port scanner, tutorials and many more coming soon), stock photos and videos, t-sh

14 Vote(s)

Number 39 Video: Football365 : Giuly et Hoarau satisfaits du nouveau centre
Ludovic Giuly et Guillaume Hoarau ne cachaient pas leur satisfaction au moment de l'inauguration du nouveau camp des Loges. Plus d'infos sur http://w

15 Vote(s)

Number 40 Video: Poached Atlantic Salmon
Poached Atlantic Salmon with Green Beans, Jasmine Rice, and a Bernaise SauceAuthor: FoodDoneRightTags: poached fish salmon green beans jasmine rice b

15 Vote(s)

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